If you have been injured in Atlanta, you may be wondering how long it will take to settle your claims. The answer is not simple and depends on various factors.

The settlement process can be long as both sides need to exchange information and evidence. And the first thing that you need to do is to hire a reliable and experienced injury lawyer in Atlanta, who can consult and guide you in the right direction. However, here are some factors to help you understand the process and be prepared.

Medical Treatment and Records

If you are injured in an accident, you must seek medical treatment immediately.  It is best to begin treatment the same day of the accident, but no more than 2 days after the accident. Medical treatment is not only important for your health but also acts as key evidence in your personal injury case. Obtain a copy of your medical records to keep track of the medical bills related to your injury.

To make your injury case strong, you need to collect as much evidence as possible so that you can successfully pursue your claim.

Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer or a Personal Injury Law Firm

To evaluate your case and assist you with the future course of action you need to consult a personal injury lawyer or law firm in Atlanta. The lawyer will help you communicate with the insurance company, develop your case and negotiate the best possible settlement.  They are responsible for protecting your rights until the settlement of your personal injury case.

Complexity of the Injury Case

If the case is complex, it will take longer to collect evidence, assess the damages, investigate the accident, and negotiate with the other party.

Severity of the Injuries

If the injuries are severe, it is likely that the case will go to trial. The injured party will seek higher compensation, which can make it difficult to reach a settlement.

Willingness of Parties for Settlement

If both parties are willing to settle, the case is likely to settle quickly. However, if there is any disagreement then the case is likely to drag on for longer. Disagreement between parties is often the reason that causes delay in settlement as parties fail to negotiate without intervention from the court.

Going to Trial

If the parties fail to reach a settlement through negotiations, the next step is to file the lawsuit and have a jury decide your case. The personal injury lawyer in Atlanta will send the demand letter to the person responsible for the accident. The demand letter includes medical records, photographs of the accident, witness information and other documents supporting your claim. There is a 2-year statute of limitations, and you must file your claim within 2 years from the date of injury.


The average time to settle a personal injury case in Atlanta can vary from a few months to years. However, this is just an estimate, the exact time to settle the claim will depend on various factors such as the complexity of the case, amount of damages, severity of injury, and the process taken by your injury lawyer in Atlanta. Some cases can reach settlement quickly while others need to go to trial and let the jury decide the case.