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Case Studies

Explore how we’ve successfully navigated complex legal scenarios. These real-life examples showcase our expertise and commitment to achieving positive outcomes for our clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

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The value of your case depends on injury severity, medical bills, and the impact on your work and life. Our contingency fee approach means you owe us only if we win your case. Contact us for a detailed consultation.

A statute of limitations is a legal timeframe for initiating legal proceedings after an alleged offense.

In Georgia, this period varies by offense type, protecting defendants from old charges and prompting timely claims from plaintiffs.

Steps include:
  • Consulting an Attorney: Essential for understanding your rights and building your case.
  • Filing Initial Court Papers: Starting the case with a detailed petition.
  • Discovery Process: Both parties gather supporting evidence.
  • Pre-Trial Resolutions: Motions and settlement negotiations.
  • Trial: Presentation of the case in court.
  • Post-Judgment Actions: Execution and garnishment to collect the judgment.
  • Appeals: If unsatisfied with the verdict, consider an appeal.
In Georgia, you must file a personal injury lawsuit within two years from the accident date.

Proving fault can involve eyewitness testimony, physical evidence, and surveillance footage. An experienced attorney can effectively gather and present this evidence.

Filing a lawsuit involves:

  • Selecting a competent lawyer.
  • Building a case with evidence.
  • Filing a complaint in court.
  • Possibly going to trial for a verdict and compensation.

Compensation may include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and possibly punitive damages.

Settling a case means resolving the dispute out of court through mutual agreement, often before trial.
Generally, personal injury settlements in Georgia are not taxable, with rare exceptions.
Settlement negotiation involves strategic discussions between the involved parties to agree on compensation, often guided by legal representatives.
PIP covers medical expenses, wage loss, and more, following an accident. Coverage typically extends up to $10,000, depending on your policy.
Navigate insurance claims by gathering information, filing claims, outlining damages, reviewing settlement offers, and negotiating effectively.

It’s a document outlining your injuries/damages due to someone else’s negligence, initiating the negotiation process for compensation.

The timeline involves injury occurrence, filing reports, hiring a lawyer, case investigation, negotiation, and possibly going to trial.
Consider the lawyer’s experience, success rate, communication style, fees, and interest in your case.
Utilize referrals, bar association resources, online directories, and consultation meetings to find the right lawyer.
Special rules apply, including specific forms and time limits. Lawsuits may be necessary if claims are refused.
Contact us at 770-790-5216 or complete our online form for tailored personal injury assistance.

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