Norcross Workers Compensation Lawyer

At Hines Law, we understand how to fight big insurance companies that may try to take advantage of you for seeking workers’ compensation benefits. From filing the initial claim to finding the right doctor, our team can help workers navigate the complex claims process. Our team will prepare each case like we are going to trial and will defend your rights aggressively to ensure you get the benefits you deserve.

If you have questions about workers’ compensation in Georgia, our legal team is ready to answer them. We are also ready to defend your rights and take action on your behalf.

At Hines Law, we want to ensure you understand the law and your rights. While you don’t have to have an attorney help you with these matters, it is highly recommended to ensure that you get the benefits you deserve.

Steps to Take if You Are Hurt on the Job in Norcross

If you suffer an injury while on the job, there are a few steps you need to take. These are going to protect your rights and the ability you have to recover workers’ compensation benefits.

  • Report the injury or accident to your employer. Make sure you notify the HR department, manager, or employer.
  • Go to the doctor or an urgent care setting right away and make sure you follow the treatment plan developed by your doctor.
  • Start and maintain a written record of the injury you suffered and all your symptoms, including pain that you experience.
  • Document your injury with photos when it happens and as it heals.
  • File the workers’ compensation claim with the help of our workers’ compensation legal team.
  • Take time to rest and recover.

Do You Have the Right to Sue Your Employer?

In most situations, you don’t have the right to file a lawsuit against your employer for work injuries. The main reason for this is that Georgia workers’ compensation is a no-fault system.

What this means is that an injured employee can be paid a portion of their medical benefits and wages, no matter who caused the injuries they sustained. However, these benefits are provided by them signing a waiver that states they won’t sue their employer. Put simply, workers’ compensation benefits provide protection for your employer and let you collect the benefits you are entitled to while you are recovering from a work-caused injury.

If someone besides your employer, such as a third party, was the cause of your workplace injury, then you may have the right to file a lawsuit against them to receive compensation for your injuries and damages. The possible compensation that you can receive for a bodily injury in a negligence lawsuit can be much higher than the medical benefits and wage loss provided by workers’ compensation insurance.

For example, if you are injured, and it results in severe or chronic pain, you can receive compensation for the pain and suffering you experience by filing a third-party claim. However, this is not available with workers’ compensation benefits.

What Will Your Workers’ Compensation Case in Norcross be Worth?

Workers’ compensation benefits will cover several costs you incur, such as:

  • Medical costs (with authorized treating doctor) for all necessary and reasonable treatment, which includes medication, X-rays, diagnostic procedures, surgery, and other treatments. You will not have co-pays or any deductibles, and workers’ compensation insurance will pay all your bills for injury-related medical costs.
  • Rehabilitation costs include physical therapy and occupational therapy.
  • Travel-related costs for treatment of your injury, range from ambulance rides to milage for your follow-up appointments.
  • Income loss replacement benefits, which are equal to two-thirds of your weekly wage. The maximum you can receive is $575 a week.
  • PPD or permanent partial disability benefits that cover a disability you receive due to a workplace accident.

Contact Our Norcross Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for Help

If you have been injured at work, you should contact our legal team at Hines Law for assistance. We can review the facts of your case and help you receive the benefits you deserve for your injuries resulting from a workplace accident. We will fight aggressively for your rights and to ensure you receive full compensation. We are here for you and can provide a consultation to help you get started.

There’s no question that the workers’ compensation law in Norcross can be complex. Without our professional legal team, you may find it difficult to navigate through the process. We are here to help you and will ensure you get the benefits you deserve. Contact us today to learn more.