If you are injured by a traffic collision or any other type of accident in Georgia due to another person’s negligence, you are eligible to file an insurance claim and, if necessary, a lawsuit, to claim the compensation you deserve.

However, most people are not aware of the type of personal injury damages they can claim. That’s why they fail to claim their legal rights and get the compensation they deserve. This is where the advice and assistance of a georgia personal injury lawyer can be of great help.

You first need to understand the damages available in personal injury lawsuits in Atlanta.

Types of Damages Available in Personal Injury Lawsuits

There are four types of damages that you can pursue in a personal injury claim in Atlanta, Georgia. These damages include medical expenses, lost wages, pain & suffering, and other damages.

Medical Expenses for Personal Injury Claim:

You have to claim compensation for all the medical costs arising from the injury. Some injuries are permanent and may require a lifetime of medical care, treatment, and expenses. To calculate future medical expenses, your personal injury lawyer may consult a financial or medical expert.

Store every bill and receipt generated as a result of the injury securely. Otherwise, you will be losing money.

Loss of Income for Personal Injury Claim:

The amount of lost income depends on whether the victim is an employee, independent contractor, or businessman. You are entitled to receive compensation for the money you’ve lost due to the injuries. You have the right to claim income lost by the time you missed your work due to injuries. It will also include loss of income by injury in the future.

Damages Due to Pain and Suffering in Personal Injury:

The pain and suffering damages can be difficult to quantify, they depend on the circumstances of the case. It may include the severity and duration of the injury and the impact on daily activities and relationships. The degree of permanent disability, impairment, or disfigurement the person has suffered. An experienced personal injury lawyer in Georgia can help evaluate the suffering and damages and negotiate with the defendant or insurance company for a fair settlement.

Other Damages Caused by the Personal Injury:

Other damages that be compensated include money paid to someone to take care of your children while you’re recovering, paying someone for the daily chores while you’re recovering, transportation expenses, etc. The compensation for these damages may vary based on the case and circumstances.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can help calculate the fair value of damages. The value of an injury claim depends on the types and severity of injuries, medical bills, pain and suffering, etc. In most cases, it is difficult to get fair compensation without a personal injury lawyer. They review the evidence, assess the circumstances, and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

Although there is a two-year statute of limitations for a personal injury case, you should take legal action as early as possible to improve your chances of a successful claim.

If you were injured by another party’s negligence, get in touch with the team of experienced lawyers in Hines Law quickly to discuss all the legal options.

Our team of personal injury lawyers and Atlanta criminal lawyers is here to take care of your legal rights.